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On-demand Marketing Webinar:

HCP Engagement in the Digital Era


Connecting with healthcare professionals (HCPs) is key for biopharma companies to maximize the effectiveness of their healthcare solutions. A digital, omnichannel approach that offers personalized content is essential for successful HCP engagement. Learn how to drive HCP engagement when checkout this free, on-demand webinar featuring Crescendo Collective.

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The digital prescription: Empowering pharma engagement with HCP portals


by: Joe Clemente

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When digital transformation is not just an option but a necessity, the pharmaceutical industry stands on the brink of a new era. The healthcare industry pivoted to digital engagement during COVID-19, with face-to-face interactions moving to online consultations. Simultaneously, the pharmaceutical sector shifted focus from mass-market drugs to targeted therapies for personalized healthcare, utilizing digital tools and data analytics to meet unique patient needs effectively. Gone are the days when a pharmaceutical sales representative's story defined product narratives. Pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals are now blending with digital touchpoints, creating a canvas of innovative engagement possibilities...

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